Biracial: of, relating to, or involving members of two races
This is the term that could identify America's current President, Barack Hussein Obama, but his daughters Malia and Sasha are most definitely black. It's apparent when you watch those gorgeous little girls on television smile at us showing off their glowing, black and beautiful skin. Black however is not just skin deep. The one-drop rule is a historical term in the United States used for the social classification as Negro to all or any individual with any African ancestry; meaning any person with "one drop of Negro blood" was considered black. Therefore if black is strong enough to cloud the blood of a person born with both a white and a black parent, then why would this same rule not apply to the President's daughters who are born to a black mother and a--well BLACK father. It is in my opinion that anyone who would deem these two young ladies as anything other than black--especially biracial are trying to strip them of the very heritage that have embraced and accepted them from the beginning.
A person may argue that the one-drop rule is outdated and sort of shunned now by society. I would still say that this supports the claims that the president's daughters are black and black alone. Tiger woods who was considered half black and half white. When asked openly what race he identified with, he said that he considered himself as a white man. To identify himself as such is a choice all his own. Tiger dates women in the White race and has two sweet little babies from his now ex wife who is also a white woman. If asked what Tiger's children are, I would say that his children are white. Their parents are not of two races. Tiger is white and their mother is also white. Obama, as a matter of fact has identified himself as a black man. Much of society has also identified him as a black man. "Barack Obama, the first African American President." If Barack Obama identifies himself as a black man and Michelle Obama who has a black mother and a black father is his wife and the father of his children then why would their spawns not be black?
Race is such a big thing in the media these days. Lots of times the media seems to be concerned with what a person's DNA make up is, instead of connecting with the person. It's like they have to make a big announcement first of the person's genetic make-up before accepting or shunning them. I don't feel as race should be that important in the media, but if you are going to classify someone in a race category, it would be wise to get it right.
The author of the article Dear Confused White People... found on this link: raises valid points. Just because Barack Obama is the President of the United States does not mean that you have to strip him of his blackness in order to identify with him. He is a black man. He says so himself and people need to just respect this fact in the same regard as they accept Tiger Woods and address this man the way he has declared. I read a quote somewhere that you are who you answer to. Barack Obama answers to being called a black man. his children are a product of himself, therefore the entire first family is black. Hate it or love it, but respect it.
From Marichal Seymore
The story is a little off in grammatical standards but I see where you were getting at with everything from the one-drop rule to the image of race being a main factor in today's world. Along with the example of Tiger Woods along with the POTUS and the first daughters made the article more cohesive.
I understand your point of view but I stand by the fact that our President is bi-racial and his daughters are also. I'll simply agree to disagree. :)
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