The Greeks at Edward Waters College were also in full swing. The "Divine Nine" which consists of: Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, Delta Sigma Theta, Phi Beta Sigma, Zeta Phi Beta, Sigma Gamma Rho, and Iota Phi Theta, all showed up and showed out, showcasing their Greek letters and strolls. There were drinks for everyone, and each Greek organization held "cookouts" on their individual decorated plots.
Students showed their school spirit via Twitter, with #EWCHC trending the entire week of Homecoming. One student tweeted, "EDUBB [EWC] looking and feeling like a college this week!" Another student tweeted, "This has to be the best Homecoming I have had at #EWCHC." All around campus, no matter who you talk to, everyone seems to agree that the 2012 Homecoming celebration at Edward Waters College was superb.
There was actually a lot to look forward to. The 2012 Homecoming roster released by Edward Waters College was jam packed with activities. The very first day, Monday, October the eighth, students enjoyed a skate pary at Skate Station located in Orange Park, Florida. Students were observed dancing, dining, and skating the night away. This event was followed up by a Student Bowling Party at Jacksonville Lane on Wednesday October the tenth, a comedy show on October the eleventh, and the main event, the Homecoming game in which Edward Waters College battled it out with Webber International University (WIU). At the end of the game, with a score of 30-29, Edward Waters College came out victorious. Students celebrated the win on Beach Boulevard at Club Aqua's "No Crowd Control" Homecoming Extravaganza. The week ended Sunday, October 14, 2012 with a Jennifer Holiday benefit concert featuring the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra and the Edward Waters College Concert Choir.
At the close of the Homecoming week, students are now trying to adjust to the normality of a "regular" college day, with the reminder that just days before, they had the time of their lives. One student tweeted, "It's so hard to say goodbye to #EWCHC." With the overwhelming success of the 2012 Edward Waters College Homecoming Celebration, everyone is left wondering, what's next?

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